2020 Pet Trends

If you're like us, you love spoiling your furbaby! You buy them the best food, treat them like royalty, make sure they stay healthy and shower them with toys. But are you keeping your dog up-to-date with the latest trends?

We've scrolled through endless social media and looked through all the top trends of 2020 (so far) and compiled this list to help you stay the up-to-date pet parent you are!

Health Forward Food Trends

Grain Friendly Food Choices

Grain-free is now a trend of the past. The FDA is researching a potential connection between specific diets (grain-free diets being one) and canine heart disease

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not 100% carnivorous. Food that includes whole grains is known to aid in digestion and provide essential vitamins. 

Looking to make the switch? You might want to note that the FDA does recommend that before pet-parents make any diet changes, they should work directly with their veterinarians. A gluten-free diet may still be necessary for some dogs, so it is important to consult with a professional. If you are still looking to make the switch, work with your vet to create a timeline where you will slowly phase out the old food and introduce the new food. Start by mixing in small amounts of the new food, and introducing more and more with each meal.


'Humanized' Dog Treats

We love our dogs, and we want them to experience all the joys that we do, including treats! If you've recently shopped around dog boutiques, you've probably noticed dog ice cream, treats that look like cookies, and you might have even seen a dog cake to celebrate your pup's birthday! As makers of dog macarons, we are particularly fond of this one!'


Homemade Dog Food

Since practicing safe social distancing and quarantine, we've all been experimenting in the kitchen. Including making our own dog food! Who knew cooking and baking for our pups could be so enjoyable.

Our dogs are our family, and we want to make sure they are getting the best of the best, and one way to make sure of that is by making our own food. Remember that pets have different nutritional needs than humans, so it is vital that you do your research. If you do want to hop on this trend, check out our blog post on The Dos and Don't of Cooking For Your Dog. 

The Hottest Trends In Pet-Tech

Activity Trackers

Turns out, humans aren't the only ones benefiting from activity trackers. They have also taken the pet product world by storm. There are now many GPS and activity trackers for pets on the market. Trackers keep up with how many hours our pets are active, their distance, calories burned, and even pet-food calorie calculators! Try one of our favorites! Whistle offers the ultimate in pet health trackers from nutrition, to activity and sleeping patterns, even a built-in GPS so you never get separated!  

A significant part of keeping our pets happy and healthy and with us as long as possible is incorporating a healthy, active routine into their lives. That must be why pet activity trackers are trending! 



Pet cams are a lifesaver for pet parents on the go! A pet camera can let you in on all of your dog’s daily happenings while you are away (spoiler alert: you’re about to see a lot of naps). Pet cams are absolutely essential for puppies in training, or dogs that could just use a little extra attention. These amazing cameras can do anything from a simple check in, to a two way camera for your and your best fur-end to chat throughout the day, some even dispense a treat! 

For the busy dog parent on the go, we love Furbo! Furbo is the premier in dog nannying and dog cameras. Their sensors are everything from a simple wide angle camera, alerts if your dog is barking, and a two way communicator to let you talk to them directly.   


Trends for Your #Dogstagram

No trendy dog list would be complete without our favorite part of the internet, dogs! Dog influencers, dog instagram accounts, and dog memes have taken the internet by storm and we simply can’t get enough! Right now, dog owners are immersed in how to show the world how special their pup is by growing their instagram accounts (and hey, we’ve got some tips!)

No list of #dogstagram trends would be complete without some of our favorite doggie hashtags. If you are ready to be your dog’s personal puparazzi, look out for trending hashtags like #dogsinblankets, #toungueouttuesday, #wetdogwednesday #dogsincars, and other recipes for hilarity.

We’re suckers for what’s trending in the doggie world. From Instagram trends to the latest in pet tech, to dogs and owners living their best life, it sure is a time to be alive as a dog and owner duo. What are some of your favorite trends you are enjoying? Give us a shout on social media and let us know!