As we all prepare for the upcoming Easter holiday, it is essential to stay mindful of the hazards that your family’s holiday festivities can present for your pet. Before we all begin hiding eggs in the yard for the annual egg hunt, we must make sure to remove any easily accessible dangers to our furry friends and move them out of reach. For those who may not know what threats this holiday can pose, we’ve compiled our list of hazards that need to be kept away from all pets for their utmost safety this year.

Chocolate is highly toxic to dogs because of a few of the ingredients that this human-favorite is composed of. Both caffeine and theobromine are two reasons that this sweet treat is anything but for your pet. The darker the chocolate, the worse it can be for your furry friend. If a pet was to ingest any chocolate, the outcome could be anything but festive for your Easter holiday. A few symptoms to watch out for if your dog has gotten ahold of a piece of chocolate are:
- Abnormal Heart Rate
- Vomiting
- Hyperactivity
- Seizures
- Diarrhea
Keep your pup (hop)ppy with their own personal Easter treat, much like @mrangusscottie, who is head over tail over his bright blue Easter peep. You can get your peep toy to put in your pet’s Easter basket from BaxterBoo.com!
During the springtime, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, APCC, often receives an increase in the number of calls they receive about their pets getting into toxic plants. The toxins found in the listed plants below can cause severe issues in your pets if ingested, especially if they’ve gotten a hold of the flower’s bulb. For more information on increasing the safety of your pets in and out of the garden this Spring, check out this ASPCA news article. A few of the hazardous plants that individuals may have around the house this Easter include:
- Lilies
- Tulips
- Irises
- Hyacinths
Think back to the pure excitement we all had as children digging into our Easter baskets that our parents made for us. Three words. Easter grass everywhere! This year, keep the easter baskets safe and fun by either putting away your pets when it comes time to go through the baskets or using an alternative to the traditional plastic green grass, such as shredded colored paper. Dog’s bodies cannot digest plastic, and they shouldn’t have to. This plastic grass can be dangerous for your pet if they decide to snack on it during the excitement of it all. The plastic can become lodged into the gastrointestinal tract and wreak havoc internally. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Whimpering
- Stomach Pain
Easter is a colorful, fun, and playful day full of interactive activities that everyone can enjoy. While food coloring may not cause an immediate severe reaction in your cuddly pup, it’s a safe bet to avoid feeding your pet any food that has food coloring in it. This fact is especially pertinent when dying Easter eggs. If your dog were to get into the bowl of Easter egg dye, it is recommended that owners call a pet hotline or emergency center to become aware of any next steps that they may need to take. Look for dye kits that are non-toxic to be on the safe side for your family, with two legs and four. Check out @thatcorgimochi, who got her Easter rest in a sweet pile of faux eggs. After all of our festivities, we’ll be ready for a dog snooze, too!
The extremely sugary sweet candy that comes out in stores during Easter time is arguably some of the best candy there is to snack on. While we humans may be able to enjoy this candy in large quantities, is it entirely toxic for your sweet pups. The ingredient xylitol is a sweetener found in sugar-free candy and other sweetened goods. Because of this specific ingredient, be sure to hide any sweetened candies with xylitol somewhere where your pets cannot reach them. If your pet seems to be way too interested in your Easter candy, we have the perfect sweet treat remedy: Bonne et Filou Macarons. Rather than overly sweet, toxic treats, our all-natural ingredients are combined into a hard, flavor-packed treat.
As much as they beg, our pets cannot have our candy, and that goes for the wrappers, too. No matter if there is candy inside of the wrapper or not, it can cause extreme discomfort for your four-legged friend. Do your best to keep these foil or plastic-wrapped goodies out of reach and make sure none of them have dropped to the floor where they can be easily accessible for your pet. If ingested, the candy wrapper could create a life-threatening issue due to possible bowel obstruction. Check out Be Chewy to find out what to do if your pet ingests an Easter candy wrapper.
We’ve got you covered this Easter with Bonne et Filou’s all-natural human-grade ingredient French-inspired macarons for pets. You can purchase single boxes or bundles to stuff in your pet’s Easter basket this year. Find all of the decadent French flavors that will make your pet wag its tail and jump for joy (and a treat!)
Since we know all of our furiends have been good eggs this year, we want to gift you 20% off on all products with code “EASTER”.
If you are a macaron-loving pup and would like to collaborate with our team at @BonneetFilou, please contact us using our Instagram DM’s. If you have any questions about our company or the products we offer, you can contact us using our contact page, via telephone at (917) 979-5955 or via email at contact@BonneEtFilou.com. We look forward to hearing from you.